Cameron argues with House about how he is treating Foreman. House still thinks it is a real seizure and orders Foreman to induce another seizure. House is once again infuriated that Foreman isn't arguing with him.

The team discusses whether the wife faked a seizure to hide her attempt to kill the baby in the bathtub. The son is stabilized, but his kidneys have been damaged. House starts artificial respiration on the baby. However, House realizes the baby is missing from its bed. Foreman finds out that the couple met in Alcoholics Anonymous, so House was right. The wife awakens to see her husband and son. Cuddy says she only wanted to talk to Wilson and "catch up". She asks about his divorce and whether he wanted kids. House is infuriated that Foreman isn't fighting with him over his idea. House decides to induce a coma and Foreman goes to do it. They realize that alcoholism would explain the failure of her blood to clot and her seizure, and House figures it might be delirium tremens. Foreman comes back from the patient’s apartment and has found hidden alcohol. House thinks she might have cancer.Ĭameron tells House the patient is bleeding into her brain. House has been going through Cuddy's garbage. The father agrees to the treatment when Chase urges it. This will deal more quickly with the infection even though they‘re also giving him antibiotics. The ECMO treatment will remove the baby's blood, reoxygenate it, and put it back in.

Chase says he needs a break from House's patients. House confronts Chase about why he doesn't want to work with him. They decide to check for meningitis and lithium overdose. The team starts another differential on the wife. The wife is in pain and bleeding, but obviously isn‘t having a seizure. Chase allows the father to play with the baby on the pretext it will help it heal, but at that moment the baby and wife both go into distress. Cameron talks to Foreman, who seems unusually upbeat and content. The team rules out strep throat as a cause for the wife's illness. She also confirms House's suspicion that Chase asked to be assigned to NICU. House goes to see Cuddy to talk about her dinner with Wilson. House wants to assign an angiogram to Chase, but he says Cuddy has him stuck in the NICU. House isn't interested in Chase's case until he learns all the obvious diagnoses have been ruled out. He doesn't seem to be suffering any permanent effects. Foreman shows up after recovering from his brain damage. House arrives in his office to find only Cameron, with Chase serving extra duty in the neonatal intensive care unit. When House finds out Cuddy invited Wilson, he thinks Cuddy has an agenda. House finds out that Wilson is going out to dinner with Cuddy. The baby is breathing and Chase wants to find out if the wife has ever had seizures before. The wife and child are rushed to Princeton-Plainsboro. However, he vomits while going down the stairs and returns to his apartment, where he finds his wife having a seizure in the bathtub and the baby son underwater and not breathing. A man wakes up nauseous, but heads off to work after checking with his wife and newborn son.