Jumpstart 3rd grade mystery mountain play online
Jumpstart 3rd grade mystery mountain play online


Disembodied Eyebrows: Polly's eyebrows float above her head, which is just as well since you can't see her eyes.Botley did mention how he was off to a time traveler's convention, which gives us a reason why Professor Sparks came back as soon as he can.At the end of the game, he returns home and punishes her. Deus Exit Machina: Polly's father is out and he's apparently the only one who can keep her under control.It comes as a real shocker when your robotic exposition fairy admits to the player he believes he or she is probably broken, but that likely would be the case if you idled so often, probably because the player was too busy listening to the background music to listen to him. But the messages Botley gave for idling too long nearly turned this into Guilt Based Gaming, ranging from "You're hesitating, is something wrong?" to "Of all the times to freeze on me! WE'RE SOOO CLOSE!" and "Pull yourself together, man! Are you having second thoughts about helping me save the world?" At its worst, he calmly informed you "Look, it's nothing personal, but if you're not up to this, I can always go back to the schoolhouse and find someone else". And if you insisted on straying, then Polly herself would chime in and taunt you that you were looking in the wrong place. Since Botley is characterized as overreactive, he would chide you if you strayed from his mission path. Continue Your Mission, Dammit!: In educational games like this it's expected for the player to be able to take his/her time, but this game ups the counter-method to extremes.However, a throwaway line from Botley indicates Polly is unpopular at her school. Being rich, blonde, and snotty, Polly has all the usual indicators. That's why I've been looking for you, Knotley." This was cut in later releases, making Polly's demand at the end of the game that Botley still has to do the extra credit question come out of left field.

jumpstart 3rd grade mystery mountain play online

  • Adaptation Explanation Extrication: The ending is actually set up by a line Polly spoke in the opening exposition, "There's still one more question, the extra credit question and it's super hard.
  • Tropes used in Jump Start Adventures 3rd Grade Mystery Mountain include:

    jumpstart 3rd grade mystery mountain play online

    With the help of Botley, a Robot Buddy who serves as Polly's Badly-Battered Babysitter, you, the player, have to thwart Polly and Set Right What Once Went Wrong before the Delayed Ripple Effect will ( supposedly) set in. One day, while the Professor is out, Polly fails a history quiz at school and decides the solution is to use Daddy's Time Machine to alter history, thus making her quiz answers correct. His daughter Polly is a Royal Brat who may be best described as a Diabolical Mastermind version of Veruca Salt. An Uncle Pennybags/ Omnidisciplinary Scientist character named Professor Spark for some reason lives in a Raygun Gothic Elaborate Underground Base built inside the mountain of the subtitle.


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  • Jumpstart 3rd grade mystery mountain play online