"I am eternally grateful for your product. With SpeedConnect, my speed has increased dramatically - anywhere from 2x to 10x the speed I was getting previously." Was plagued with speed problems with my cable modem since it was installed. I found SpeedConnect to work better and give noticeable results." "Today I downloaded and installed SpeedConnect.
"I shall not hesitate to recommend your software to my friends and family, both on the strength of the software capabilities and the efficiency of your support. I have endorsed SpeedConnect to all my friends here in Helsinki." You have done a wonderful job there in CBS, and I would like to congratulate you and your teams for a job well done! Your product really speeds up my Internet connection substantially. "I have tried many so-called Internet boosters.

To me that is phenomenal! I mentioned this to my IP and he was in awe! That was the best investment in software I have ever made! I am an Advance Computer Applications Analyst and testing of software is my livelihood! Keep up the good work on your product, but truthfully I can't see how it could be improved upon, it is hard to improve on perfection!!
"I have to write to tell you this! I purchased your SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator last night and I have been running tests all day at different test sites! This software is the ultimate accelerator, nothing I have previously tried out even comes close to yours! I have 5 MB ADSL pppoe Lan and the best I have ever got speed wise is 700 KB's download! Today on all the tests I did I was getting an average of 825 KB's that is an 18% improvement in download speed and uploading speed were proportional! Eureka! It works on a 2g connection and I now talk to family and friends. Luckily I discovered your program and opted for the fee trial. Gone was my internet free talking to SA on Skype. Regrettably I moved to an area with no land line connection. "Fantastic software! Dear Sirs, About three and a half years ago I moved from South Africa to New Zealand.